Aspiring Poets Beware

Don’t write poems for the masses,
They will be dismissed as banal.

Don’t write erudite poems,
You will be called Elitist.

Don’t write humorous poems,
Comics are not true artists.

Don’t write personal poems,
And avoid self indulgence.

Don’t write tragic poems,
People don’t want to cry.

Don’t write short simple poems,
You will be labelled an Idiot.

Don’t write long poems,
People will fall asleep.

Don’t write rhyming poems,
That is very passe.

By randomly hitting a keyboard,
You may succeed as a modernist.

None-word poems are cool!
But beware of the straight-jacket.

Silence can be golden,
But still offends some.

In fact stop thinking and feeling,
And don’t write poems at all.

Join the “society of dead poets “,
And save a lot of heart-ache.